plab part II

2nd NAC OSCE Mock Exam September 9th

Boost your confidence with our simulated  NAC OSCE  MOCK exam! There is no better way to experience NAC OSCE exam then to take Mock Exam. Test your skills with a  […]

Physician or Dr Taxi Driver

How to become a doctor in Canada? Can foreign medical graduated doctors practice in Canada? Listen this video bellow and learn more. Dr. Taxi Driver Join us this Sunday where […]

pep workshop

Post Encounter Probe – PEP Workshop

MDWorld Post Encounter Probe  – PEP Workshop is around the corner. Excel on MCCQE2 exam and prepare for  MCCQE2 PEP stations. Don’t miss PEP Workshop  scheduled for April 28-29. Learn […]

CDM assessment

MCCQE1 CDM Workshop March 24-25

Register for the MCCQE1 CDM workshop and get ready for MCCQEI spring sessions. The CDM is most difficult portion of the MCCQE1 exam and consists of approximately 60 cases with […]

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