We are a group of medical professionals trained in Canada and abroad that decided to create an institution, one stop teaching center for the Canadian, US and UK Medical Licensing exams.
While preparing for the exams, most of the doctors are challenged to study from different courses, a variety of sources, questions pools/ banks that are good but might not be comprehensive. Some candidates may be “lost” in the process of searching for the best courses available, also juggling cost implications for travel and materials, and meeting the exam deadlines; our courses offers answers those concerns and more. With our state of the art teaching platforms, you are sure to have a wonderful learning experience.
The focus should not be on simply passing the exams, but also surmounting the obstacles and challenges along the way in an extremely competitive matching process.
To achieve your aim of passing the exams, maintaining your recency of practice experience, working and supporting your family to succeed are our goal.
It is not an easy pathway, however, it is not impossible. With a good strategic plan for the exams, high scores, good coaching for the application process, interview guidelines and a little bit of luck, everything is within reach.
Some may ask why we are different from other institution:
As part of the preparation process, whether on-line or in-class, we train our students in an interactive, one-on-one or small group classes, where the instructor can assess the participant’s knowledge, strengths, and weaknesses and tailor the structure of the classes accordingly.
Our on-line education enables one to cut the cost of travel and properly prepare for the exams within the comfort of your home and with minimal disruptions in your schedule without compromising standards. Our lectures are recorded and students can review materials during their review time. Furthermore, with the free access to well defined MDWorld study materials/ questions, individuals can assess their knowledge and track their learning curve progress during the courses.
The MDWorld OSCE simulated exam is designed to give candidates a sense of readiness before taking the exam.
Many specialists have passed the written exams successfully, however, they struggle the OSCE (NAC OSCE), STEP 2 CS and the Canadian Qualifying Exam Part 2.

MDWorld medical education program, with a brilliant interplay of proper training with time management, one-on-one practice experience, followed by Simulated OSCE, MCCQE2 MOCK exam culminates in success stories for many practicing physicians today!

Suffice it to say that we are here to help, ease the struggle for Medical Licensing board exams, and to be more successful and put you a step ahead of working into the medical system in your desired country of practice.
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